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Almost a year - a long post to make it up to you
Written at Sunday, November 6, 2011 | back to top

Wow it's almost a year since I've blogged. So damn long. Hahaha. I guess there's not much passion in me to blog for the past year and I've just be extremely lazy. :P (Yes, I am a bad blogger)

So what has happened in the past year? Mainly busy with honours stuff. Lets do a recap.

Started the first semester with a bam! Back in Sydney, rushing up and down to settle down before the semester starts. Not many people left in Sydney and my best friend Candy has graduate :'( So I had to hire a hand to help me shift my stuff from the storage area to my new place in Randwick, Mulwaree apartments to be exact. New place is not so great, much more shoddy compared to Barker apartments. Probably because of the people inside, I do miss my housemates in 3/39 a lot.

My bedroom for the past year

Closet with no doors make the place look messier than it actually is

Living area

Besides moving, I have also been embarking on a totally new journey from what I have been doing for the previous 3 years of my uni life. For the first semester, I was totally slumped with journal readings (roughly 12 a week), daily assignments - I do mean DAILY, and 3 hour seminars every day. This is something that I am not used to as a commerce student who only has exposure to a fraction of the work all this while. XD
Just half of the readings that I had to do for the first semester

On top of that, I was teaching as a tutor in the university. Doing management accounting (although I do prefer financial accounting LOL). But it was so fun because of the small group of teaching staff which made everything seem so casual and personal - no formalities, nothing. Totally loved it =D So ya, I met my "future" supervisors here as one of them was the LIC of the subject and the other was another tutor.

Finally the first semester nightmare is over. I can tell you, it was seriously not fun! Made me question my decision to do honours countless of times because the workload can just kill you. But once it was over, it's time for the serious part - writing my own thesis.

But before that, I did go on holiday to the Gold Coast to relax, rewind and have fun! Though the fun was only short lived as it ended in 1 week. :(

Welcome to the gold coast - where you should be wearing a bikini instead of a jacket and scarf LOL

After the holiday, fully recharged and ready to roll - I had to get going on my thesis. The process was so painstakingly difficult because once you completed something, you can't just relax and be happy about it, because after submitting to your supervisors you will find yourself back at square one cos you have to amend every thing! So what is my research about you ask?

Basically it's in management accounting but with a psychological twist, i.e., how do small actions affect trust and decisions that can actually influence how relationships are shaped in companies. Sounds pretty cool eh? (I know you don't think so :P). I had to design an experiment to conduct on 3rd year accounting students and due to my own "itchy hand" (or itchy brain), I insisted to run a computer experiment even when my supervisors had no knowledge of computer programming. Haha. So an extra load on my back was to learn up a simple experiment program and created my experiment single-handedly (with some help from Kuan Lung of course).

After completing the experiment, it was time to run it -it took me 3 long weeks to collect data and almost 30% of the data was discarded because the participants were failing some parts of the experiment. =( Running the experiment was quite fun but looking at them failing just two questions made my heart sank to the bottom of the ocean, just like titanic.

In between the experiment sessions, I also had to prepare for a the National Honours Colloquium where I had to present my research topic. It was a daunting experience because all the academics were there and they were looking at you. Luckily my supervisor was there to help me answer the questions. Otherwise, I might have not been able to take the questions which were shot at me. Hahaha.

Just assume that this is the real presentation XD

I also had to recruit participants and arrange a time for them to come to the experiment and also book the computer labs on top of the other stuff mentioned above - and this was a serious nightmare. Some people don't turn up, others got lost and others just turn up really late. Once, I even managed to lock myself out of the computer lab and had to call security to let me in. Phew~

After all that is done, it was time for the write up. If you thought the experiment was bad, this is ten times worse. I hate write ups because again, I had to amend it zillions of times before submission. Re-read the same text for millions of times and still find tonnes of mistakes and deal with what supervisors like to say the "flow" problem. One funny thing though, 10 days before submission, my supervisor actually taught me how to efficiently search for papers using the library website. That was really funny because I had done almost 80% of the work by then and it was so last minute.

In the final week, all I could think about was my thesis, from the second I wake up till the second I fall asleep, everything was about it. I worked from 10am up till 11pm non-stop everyday for the last week. My body ached all over but I just kept on going. In hindsight, I can't even believe I could do that. I remember in my previous 3 years, I could never work more than 2 hours on something without taking a break.

28th October 2011, marked the historical date for all the accounting honours students in UNSW. It was our submission date! Almost everyone came early that day to re-read the thesis for the final time and put on finishing touches to our masterpieces. During all seriousness, the fire alarm went off in the Quadrangle building giving us a 10 minute break from reading. XD Although submission time was at 7pm, we all managed to submit at roughly 4pm. And all was done!

Finally - it is over

I'm glad to say that all of it is done now and I can enjoy my holidays! However, I do have mixed feelings about it, no idea why... I guess if you work really hard at something and suddenly you got nothing to do, it just feels really weird. Hahaha.

So now you know, what my year was like. Sorry for the seriously long post - and to those of you who stuck around till the end of this post. Congrats! I'll reward you with a picture of myself ;)