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Life after and before Uni
Written at Wednesday, January 12, 2011 | back to top

Dear blog readers,

Sorry for being such a lazy blogger. I have been pretty busy with work. Yes, I have been working. As a vacation trainee in one of the Big 4 audit firms. With this being said, being an auditor gives you very little time to socialize, let alone, blog! So, I am really sorry! :(

I did have a holiday after my exams finished on the 10th of November 2010. Went to Melbourne for a short trip to celebrate the ending of exams with Candy. Will try to blog about that later.

Went back to Malaysia on the 20th of November after packing up and shifting my stuff into the storage area as I am moving from my lovely home in Barker to Mulwaree next year. Rent has skyrocketed so, I've decided to shift. What to do... I'm so poor.

After reaching home, had to go to Penang from the 25th of November up until the 29th. During the trip, I got my hair curled and dyed, which cost me a whooping RM300. I'm not that satisfied with the workmanship done on my hair though, it doesn't look curled at all. But luckily, the colour is ok.

Started work on the 6th of December and have been working like a dog ever since. I can tell you, being an auditor is no fun. Working hours are not stable and will depend on the speed of your work and also the level of co-operation from your clients. I have seniors who work up until 2a.m. on a daily basis, which is kinda sad. I was fortunate enough to work only up until 8.30 p.m. since I started work and not any later than that. :)

So, that explains why I am so tired every day and I only want to sleep!!! Haha. I will write again soon to tell you more about fun stuff instead of boring work. So stay tuned...