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Should I do it?
Written at Friday, September 3, 2010 | back to top

Just received a letter from my sponsor that asked me to report duty and to congratulate me on nearly finishing my 3rd (and supposed to be) final semester. Provoked me to think about certain things that have been lingering in my mind for too long.

In the first and second year of studies, I was so sure that I would continue my studies to the fourth year. I worked very hard because I wanted to be an honours graduate. I wanted so badly to be recognized as more than an 3rd year undergraduate student. So ambitious was I that I would tell them, I will graduate after 3 years of study... BUT.. I'm thinking of continuing to do a fourth year honours course (well, I still do tell people this anyway).

Entering the first semester my third year, I enrolled into additional honours class for one of my financial accounting subjects. Seems okay, workload was not that heavy, my dreams were still continuing, never once I would doubt myself about the choices that I will make in the future.

Then bang, the (supposedly) last semester of my degree. All doubts start to seep in as I do two additional honours classes - one for auditing and another for management accounting. This is when I realized that honours will not be so easy, it will involve a lot of stress and tension, a lot of uncertainty and worry - all for the sake of a thesis that I will probably not use in the future. Sometimes I wonder why do I so desperately need to do honours and suffer the entire year just to obtain (hons) on my degree? Will employers actually know honours mean? Will they look at professional certificates instead? All doubts come into my mind as I watch the seniors (now in fourth year) presenting their honours proposals and being told by lecturers what fourth year honours year entice. It feels seriously daunting and I'm not sure I'm up for it.

It would be another year of journal articles and heavy books 

Another year of cluttered desks with a thick dust layer
(notice the bear? It's the one my dear won for me from genting. Hehe. Thank u <3)

I'm leaning towards playing it on the safe side - suffering now than to risk suffering later - hence deciding to do honours and to be in a better position to compete in the job market. People say if one were to take up honours in the UNSW school of business it would be equivalent to a Masters in research degree. But I doubt employers will know that. Sigh... I wish it wouldn't be THAT difficult, and hopefully if I DO go on to do honours, I would be able to handle it. *wishful thinking*