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100th post
Written at Thursday, June 3, 2010 | back to top

Haha, I'm just bored and I noticed that this post is actually my 100th one.

Finally finished all classes for the semester - all my courses and also all my the classes that I've been teaching for the semester. Feel huge relief because I only have 2 papers for finals and another 2 subjects have already be conquered by me! YES! A bit worried about my study process though.. not doing much because of the lack of pressure and stress.Currently have JUST started reading half a chapter for accounting exam.

This semester has been hectic and all with the endless stream of assignments but I guess it paid off now as I am very relaxed for the finals. :D

On a totally different and random note, do you feel it's odd how our tastes change as we grow older?

I used to hate to eat a lot of stuff - such as herbs (coriander, parsley, basil, etc), celery, fried rice (yes, I hated fried rice), and a lot more stuff that kids hate. But now I can accept the taste of some of the food stuff mentioned above and sometimes I even crave for it. Odd? Yes... very odd. I wonder how our taste buds evolve through time. There was one period where I can eat anything that you put in front of me - disgusting, oily, fatty, yummy - and I could down it all. Not sure whether I can do that or not now. Seems that I get full really fast now but I've been snacking a lately - mostly on nuts. Nuts about nuts. LOL.

Haha.. okok enough of craping on irrelevant stuff. Might continue blogging on my recent outings next. ;)