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Written at Saturday, March 27, 2010 | back to top

Too many things have happened since the last time that I've blogged.

It's now going to be week 5 of the semester and so many changes have occurred in my life. So far, this is the toughest semester yet; not because of the subjects but because of other factors.

I've started teaching for last 2 weeks and it was quite bearable. Somehow, I did not even feel a little bit nervous when I was in front of the class. I used to be really scared of standing in front of a crowd of people and presenting my thoughts to them. Just the idea of having all eyes focused on me, it was scary. But I somehow managed to overcome the fear I guess. It might have been because I was terribly sick the first time I taught (caught a cold and the full blown virus kicked in on my first day of work!). And the previous week, something else happened that distracted me I guess.... more on that later

Overall, life has been pretty monotonous, doing the things I usually do: cook, clean, study, onlining... etc etc. I'm also all recovered from my illness! Thank god. And thanks to my house mates and Kuan Lung for taking care of me from both near and afar.

Celebrated Ming Shuian's birthday over the last Saturday but I'll try to blog about that on another day if I can find the time.

As many of you should know (if you follow my blog) I did not go back to Malaysia during the last summer holiday, and I've started to regret it. Not because I miss food, friends or family....

Last Wednesday, I received a call from my mom. Well, I was suspecting something was up (cos none of my family members were online for a few days) and was thinking of giving her a call. And, sure enough something did happen, my grandfather had passed away... Sigh, somehow feel really sad although I'm not that close to him. I am also glad for him because he has been suffering for the past few months due to breathing difficulties.

I just feel really bad when I try to think of the last time I saw him, which was more than a year ago, but failed to do so... I also feel bad that I'm not attending the funeral or was with my family to say good bye to him... I know, it wouldn't have made a difference whether I was there or not, but still, I feel really guilty...

Somehow, memories of my childhood spent with my grandfather flashes through my mind from time to time. Remembering all the times as a child just looking at him and wondering what he was thinking (he was really quiet). I remember him praying, scolding me, eating the foods he like... Just makes me wonder why do we take life for granted and think that bad things will never happen to someone close to us? I am not one who bears emotions on my sleeve and show affection openly, but from now on, I will try...

I really hope he is in a better place now. RIP grandpa.