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Written at Monday, May 10, 2010 | back to top

Assessments due every week. No mood to blog at all... Feel like it has been forever since I've last blogged. I'm so sorry. I've been too lazy to do anything except slack when I have free time (which is very rare).

Bored to death with doing assignments. I find talking to Kuan Lung has been really helpful during this time cos even though he doesn't help me directly, the one to two hours spend chatting really helps my mind to rest. For that, thank u very much.

Nowadays I feel so sleepy because even though it's already week 10 in uni, I'm still not used to getting up at 8 or 9a.m.. My body and mind still feels like sleeping till 10 a.m. at least and the cold weather doesn't help at all. Hence, I've been snoozing really often and skipping my morning showers (shhhhh... don't tell anyone!). However, I do take them on a regular basis even during winter, see I'm so Malaysian - shower 2 times a day! But it does make my skin terribly dry and I hate using body lotion, it's too sticky.

For now, I feel seriously bored of studying, the thought of skipping honours and graduating at the end of the year crosses my mind a few times. But for now, I'm still sticking to my plans. For the future, I'll endure another year of torture. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the winter holidays in June-July! Then I'll enjoy:

If you get what I mean. ^_^