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Written at Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | back to top

Weather is getting colder and colder now.. Starting to sneeze more often, however I'm not sure is it because of the dust in my room or weather? Well the room has been dustier than this before. Hehehe...

The cold weather has made me very lazy, lazy to go out from my room, lazy to move from my seat, lazy to do everything! Just have been procrastinating a lot and not progressing at all, especially when one assignment comes right after the next.

Whenever there's a string of assignments, I tend to want some "relax" time after finishing one of them. Somehow, I am unable to bring myself to do any work - especially on long uni days like today (9 am - 6 pm). I'm exhausted, at the same time guilty that I'm not getting any work done.

I also tend to feel lonelier now, feel like I have no one to share my experiences with. I feel distant from people. Well, not really cos I have my housemates chatting with me everyday and friends in class that talk to me once in a while about uni. But it seems that I can't really talk to YOU anymore... Feel that we've drifted apart by a bit. I feel so tired to hear an unhappy voice on the other end of the line every day... I just want a day where we can chat happily again.

Oh well, ranting doesn't get me anywhere anyway. Wish someone was here to hug me tonight.