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O-Week = O-No More-Holiday-Week!
Written at Thursday, February 25, 2010 | back to top

Bye bye summer holiday and hello start of semester! I've been joining activities for o-week this time around, being a good and stingy girl! Where is my free subscription to The Daily Telegraph wor?!

Ahem, back to the topic. So what activities do you ask? I went to the Museum of Human Diseases in UNSW for a tour of dead people's infected organs. However, being a un-science or medicine student, I have no idea what the organs are suppose to look like and most of the organs actually looked fine to me. Some of them even look like the internal organs of the pork that I eat when I order zhu-yuk fun... No offence intended. I totally respect the people who donated their organs in the name of science! But seriously, I think human organs and pig organs, look very similar!

On another note, I went to the icinema tour at the Scientia. OH MY GOD, it was totally breathtaking. We had a short clips being played on a 360 degrees silver screen surrounding us. Totally real with 3-D graphics. It's nothing like the crappy 3-D movies that we get in the cinema which doesn't even look real at all. This one pops up right in front of you and goes through your body. The graphics were so real, that you felt like you are in the clips. There were even clips where we didn't need 3-D glasses to feel that we're really there, one clip involved just a camera view of being in a car and we could all feel the motion sickness even when standing totally still! Really did not regret attending that tour.

Other things that were happening on the main walkway include plenty of free stuff! Although there's not too many things being given out for free this time, I'm not complaining because free is free. We also had: 

A cool looking solar thingy from the engineering school

A lot of humans on the main walkway

Club and society stalls

Free coke

Rubber chickens and people in army uniforms

Break dancers

A giant crocodile jumping castle

And.... giant jenga!

Thats all for now! Good luck for the new semester for those starting their session soon!